This application is a guide to perform hypopressive abdominal exercises. When performing this type of abdominal, the waist is reduced, the abs are worked and a flat stomach is achieved.Stomach Vacuum are also good for eliminating back pain. Discover these and many more benefits. In addition, it includes tips and techniques for different postures to start working your abs.Guide App functions:- Learn the technique of hypopressive abdominals and how to correctly perform hypopressive exercises.- Discover all the benefits that stomach vacuum bring us.- Technical description, step by step, to perform hypopressive exercises.- Tips and much more about hypopressive exercises.With this free stomach vacuum exercise app you can start doing them correctly. You will immediately notice the results with a flat stomach, marked abs and a more comfortable body posture. Take advantage of all the benefits of hypopressive abs.Download "stomach vacuum guide" and start working all the exercises with good breathing, technique and concentration. In a few sessions you will see the results and you can increase the difficulty of hypopressive exercises